

Registration number:



Date of Last Refreshed on:



Date of Registration:



Registration Status:


Prospective registration



Public title:

Efficacy and safety of acupuncture at Different depths of Qugu Acupoint in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized controlled trial


English Acronym:



Scientific title:

Efficacy and safety of acupuncture at Different depths of Qugu Acupoint in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized controlled trial


Scientific title acronym:


Study subject ID:


The registration number of the Partner Registry or other register:

ChiCTR2200055104 ; ChiMCTR2200005751






Guo Wenhao

Study leader:

Lu Yonghui


Applicant telephone:



Study leader's telephone:


申请注册联系人传真 :

Applicant Fax:


Study leader's fax:


Applicant E-mail:



Study leader's E-mail:



Study leader's website(voluntary supply):


Study leader's website
(voluntary supply):





Applicant address:

No.1 Xiyuan Playground, Haidian District, Beijing

Study leader's address:

No.1 Xiyuan Playground, Haidian District, Beijing


Applicant postcode:


Study leader's postcode:



Applicant's institution:

Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences


Approved by ethic committee:


Approved No. of ethic committee:



Approved file of Ethical Committee:




Name of the ethic committee:

Medical Ethics Committee, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences


Date of approved by ethic committee:

2021/11/25 0:00:00



Contact Name of the ethic committee:

Zi Mingjie



Contact Address of the ethic committee:

No.1 Xiyuan Playground, Haidian District, Beijing


Contact phone of the ethic committee:


Contact email of the ethic committee:



Primary sponsor:

Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences



Primary sponsor's address:

No.1 Xiyuan Playground, Haidian District, Beijing


Secondary sponsor:
















Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences


No.1 Xiyuan Playground, Haidian District, Beijing



Source(s) of funding:

China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences




Target disease:

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Target disease code:


Study type:


Interventional study


Study design:


randomized controlled trial(parallel group design)


Study phase:


Phase I clinical trial



Objectives of Study:

To provide evidence-based medical evidence of the efficacy and safety of "acupuncture at different depths of qu Bone point" in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia


Description for medicine or protocol of treatment in detail:


(1)符合BPH诊断标准,经专科医师明确诊断; (2)年龄50~80岁; (3)自愿签署知情同意书者,志愿受试。

Inclusion criteria

(1)It meets the diagnostic criteria of BPH and has been clearly diagnosed by a specialist; (2)The age ranges from 50 to 80; (3)Voluntary subjects who sign informed consent voluntarily.


(1)无法通畅的沟通; (2)合并尿道炎、急性前列腺炎、泌尿系结石等疾病; (3)神经源性膀胱、膀胱颈纤维化、尿道狭窄等疾病; (4)患有神经系统疾病、糖尿病病史影响排尿功能者; (5)前列腺增生并发前列腺癌、结核等恶性消耗性疾病者; (6)合并有肝、肾功能不全及其它心肺疾病,血液病等严重疾病者; (7)长期服用抗凝药物的患者,严重贫血患者; (8)B超发现上尿路梗阻积水、肾功能受损者; (9)一直使用可能影响膀胱功能药物或正在接受BPH药物; (10)B超或CT发现前列腺增生过大,突入膀胱过多,影响针刺操作者; (11)B超或CT发现膀胱残余尿超过100ml或过多,影响针刺操作者。

Exclusion criteria:

(1) Unable to communicate unobstructed; (2) Associated with urethritis, acute prostatitis, urinary calculi and other diseases; (3) Complicated with neurogenic bladder, bladder neck fibrosis, urethral stricture and other diseases; (4) Patients with neurological diseases or diabetes that affect urination function; (5) Hyperplasia of prostate complicated with malignant wasting diseases such as prostate cancer and tuberculosis; (6) Patients with serious diseases such as liver and kidney insufficiency and other heart and lung diseases and blood diseases; (7) Patients taking anticoagulants for a long time and patients with severe anemia; (8) Patients with upper urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis and impaired renal function found by B-ultrasound; (9) Have been using drugs that may affect bladder function or are receiving BPH drugs; (10) B ultrasound or CT found excessive prostatic hyperplasia, protruding too much bladder, affecting acupuncture operators; (11) B ultrasound or CT found that residual urine in the bladder was more than 100ml or too much, which affected the acupuncture operator.


Study execute time:

From 2022-01-01

To      2024-10-31


Recruiting time:

From 2022-01-01

To      2023-12-31








The treatment group2

Sample size:





Acupuncture is inserted into the abdominal wall

Intervention code:






Control group

Sample size:





Acupuncture is inserted into the superficial fascia

Intervention code:






The treatment group1

Sample size:





Acupuncture is inserted into the prostate capsule

Intervention code:

样本总量 Total sample size : 120


Countries of recruitment
and research settings:
















Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Level of the institution:

Grade Ⅲ, Class A








Quality of life,QoL


Secondary indicator



Measure time point of outcome:

Measure method:






International Prostate Symptom Score,IPSS


Primary indicator



Measure time point of outcome:

Measure method:


Collecting sample(s)
from participants:




Sample Name:






Fate of sample 

Destruction after use





Sample Name:






Fate of sample 

Destruction after use




Not yet recruiting


最小 50
Min age years
最大 80
Max age years

Recruiting status:

Participant age:







Randomization Procedure (please state who generates the random number sequence and by what method):

Using the method of block randomization, with the help of SPSS18.0 statistical analysis software, the random number grouping table is generated, which is kept by statisticians. Random number table The concealment of the random assignment scheme used sequentially coded, sealed, opaque envelopes to randomly assign subjec




IPD sharing:



The way of sharing IPD”(include metadata and protocol, If use web-based public database, please provide the url):


数据采集和管理(说明:数据采集和管理由两部分组成,一为病例记录表(Case Record Form, CRF),二为电子采集和管理系统(Electronic Data Capture, EDC),如ResMan即为一种基于互联网的EDC:

病例报告表 (Case Report Form) 版本号:VERSION 2.0_20211118 随机编号 : |__|__|__|__| 受试者姓名缩写 : |__|__|__|__| 医生姓名(正楷) : _________ 研究时间: 2021年10月-2024年10月 病例报告表填写说明 (在正式填表前,请认真阅读下列填表说明) 1、此病例报告表必须由专职评价者填写,并尽可能由同一人完成;封面、结束页的医生签 名由负责该份病例的研究人员填写。 2、本CRF中的大量数据是从原始资料(受试者排尿日记卡等)中统计、计算、汇总而得到 的,请填写者务必认真核对并精确统计、计算,注意避免人工统计误差! 3、封面右上角的受试者入组序号由研究者编写,便于监察和CRF管理。 4、本表请用钢笔或签字笔填写,不得用铅笔或圆珠笔填写。 5、筛选合格者正式填写病例报告表,中止治疗者以最后一次数据结转为其最后的数据,并 如实记录退出本研究的时间和原因。 6、表中凡有“口”的选项,请在正确的选项“口”里打“X”。 7、请在开放的方格中填写数字,每一格填写一个数字,如果位数不够请在前面或后面的格 子加零。所有检查项目均须填写,因故未做检查/漏查,请填写“ND “;数据不详/未 知的,请填写“UK”;选项不适用时请填写“NA”。 8、受试者姓名填写方法:受试者姓名拼音缩写四格需填满,两字姓名填写各字拼音的前两 个字母;三字姓名填写各字拼音的首字母及第三字拼音第二字母;四字姓名填写各自 拼音的首字母;四字以上姓名填写前四字拼音的首字母。研究者须填写受试者身份登 记表,便于试验中和试验后识别受试者的身份。 9、填写务必准确、清晰,不得随意擦除或涂改,错误之处纠正时需用横线居中划出,并 签署修改者姓名(医师姓名缩写,大写字母)及修改时间,必要时说明理由。不要掩 盖填入的原始数据,禁用橡皮擦、修正液或划刮去原填写内容。举例:填写错误 2011/07/13[年、月、日],更正模式2011/07/1314 SJF 2011/07/14 10、采用国际IS0 8601日期格式:yyyymmdd。例如:2010年10月15日写成:20101015。 在描述病史、不良事件时请使用医学专业术语填写,诊断和药物名称请使用规范的全 称,请勿用缩写或简称,除非这些缩写或简称已被列出在研究方案中。 11、请严格执行临床试验方案,各访视点需要完成的项目,请对照临床研究流程图执行, 注意遵守时间窗。 12、临床研究期间应如实填写合并用药记录表和不良反应/事件记录表。如有严重不良事 件发生,按常规处理的同时,不论其是否与本研究治疗相关,均须填写严重不良事件 记录表。 Phase 基线 (1-4周) 治疗时间(第5-8周) 随访 5周 6周 7周 8周 12周 16周 治疗 0 3 次 3 次 2 次 2 次 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) √ √ √ √ √ 生活质量评价(QoL) √ √ √ √ √ 前列腺体积(cm3) √ √ 残余尿 PVR(ml) √ √ 最大尿流率 Qmax(ml/s) √ √ 知情同意 √ 盲法评价 √ √ 针刺安全性 √ √ 针刺承受性 √ √ 紧急用药 不良事件 临 床 研 究 流 程 图 注:1、本表中“√”代表必须在此时间节点完成的项目; 2、中途脱落病例要尽可能追溯受试者最近的专科评估资料,并及时填入相应表格,以减少数据丢失率; 3、观察结束后1周内将观察内容经负责人审核、签名; 4、课题承担单位所设监查员定期对所有CRF表进行监查、审核。 第1次访视(1-4周) 访视日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 注:此日期应为受试者基线筛选合格后进行随机的日期(即入组日期),其他访 视时间均应以此为准推算。 签署知情同意书日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 纳入标准(任何一项选“否”即不能纳入本研究 是 否 1、符合BPH诊断标准; 1 0 2、年龄50~80岁; 1 0 3、自愿签署知情同意书者,志愿参加本项研究。 1 0 排除标准(任何一项选“是”即不能纳入本研究) 是 否 1、无法通畅的沟通; 1 0 2、合并尿道炎、急性前列腺炎、泌尿系结石等疾病; 1 0 3、神经源性膀胱、膀胱颈纤维化、尿道狭窄等疾病; 1 0 4、患有神经系统疾病、糖尿病病史影响排尿功能者; 1 0 5、前列腺增生并发前列腺癌、结核等恶性消耗性疾病者; 1 0 6、合并有肝、肾功能不全及其它心肺疾病,血液病等者; 1 0 7、长期服用抗凝药物的患者,严重贫血患者; 1 0 8、B超发现上尿路梗阻积水、肾功能受损者; 1 0 9、一直使用可能影响膀胱功能药物或正在接受BPH药物; 1 0 10、B超或CT提示前列腺增生过大,影响针刺操作者; 1 0 11、B超或CT提示膀胱残余尿过多,影响针刺操作者。 1 0 人口学资料 性 别 男 出生日期 |__|__|__|__|年 |__|__|月|__|__|日 CT 编号 民 族 1汉 2 壮 3满 4回 5苗 6维吾尔族 7其他____ 婚 否 1是 2否 学 历 1研究生及以上 2本科 3大学专科 4高中/中专/技校 5初中 6小学 7文盲 职 业 1工人 2农民 3教师 4军人 5学生 6干部 7职员 8离退休 9自由职业 10其他____ 身 高 |__|__|__|.|__|cm 体重 |__|__|__|.|__|kg 体重指数(BMI) |__|__|.|__| 耻骨联合水平位臀围 |__|__|__|.|__|cm 前列腺体积 |__|__|__|.|__|ml 膀胱残余尿量 |__|__|__|.|__|ml 公式针刺深度 |__|__|__|.|__|mm 公式针刺角度 |__|__|.|__|度 CT下针刺深度 |__|__|__|.|__|mm CT下针刺角度 |__|__|.|__|度 联系电话1: 联系电话2: 地址: 良性前列腺增生(BPH)病史 病程 |__|__|年|__|__|月 BPH程度 1轻度 2 中度 3重度 合并疾病 1无 2 有,请继续填下表 合并疾病名称 开始时间 结束时间 |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月 |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月 BPH治疗 是否接受针对BPH的治疗 :1无 2 有,请继续填下表 治疗方法 1中药治疗 2西药治疗 3手术治疗 4其他 最近一次治疗 |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日-|__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 正在使用的药物 BPH治疗药物:___________;其他治疗药物:_____________ 超声前列腺体积 膀胱残余尿 |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 体积|__|__|__|.|__|ml, 残余尿|__|__|__|ml |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 体积|__|__|__|.|__|ml, 残余尿|__|__|__|ml 最大尿流率测定 |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日,_________ml/s |__|__|__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日, _________ml/s 疗效评价指标 1 2 3 4 5 国际前列腺症状评分计分(IPSS) 生活质量评分计分(QoL) 针刺承受性评分 第1次访视基线期问卷(1-4周) 访视日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 表1?? 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 在最近1个月内,您是否有以下症状? 无 在5次中 症状 评分 少于1/5 少于1/2 约1/2 多于1/2 几乎 总是 1、是否经常有排尿不尽感? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2、2次排尿间隔是否经常小于2小时? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3、是否经常有间断性排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4、是否有排尿不能等待现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5、是否有尿线变细现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6、是否需要用力及使劲才能开始排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7、从入睡到早起需要起床排尿几次? 0次 1次 2次 3次 4次 5次 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS总分= 表2??生活质量指数(QoL)评分表 症 状 高兴 满意 大致满意 还可以 不太满意 苦恼 很糟 如果在您今后的生活中始终伴有现在的排尿症状,您认为如何? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 生活质量评分(QoL)?? 第2次访视治疗2周后问卷(5-6周) 访视日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 该次访视是否按时? 1是 0否?延迟原因: 表1?? 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 在最近半个月内,您是否有以下症状? 无 在5次中 症状 评分 少于1/5 少于1/2 约1/2 多于1/2 几乎 总是 1、是否经常有排尿不尽感? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2、2次排尿间隔是否经常小于2小时? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3、是否经常有间断性排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4、是否有排尿不能等待现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5、是否有尿线变细现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6、是否需要用力及使劲才能开始排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7、从入睡到早起需要起床排尿几次? 0次 1次 2次 3次 4次 5次 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS总分= 表2??生活质量指数(QoL)评分表 症 状 高兴 满意 大致满意 还可以 不太满意 苦恼 很糟 如果在您今后的生活中始终伴有现在的排尿症状,您认为如何? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 生活质量评分(QoL)?? 表3??针刺安全性评价与针刺承受性评价 针刺安全性评价(每次治疗随时记录)1无 2 有,请继续填下表 症状代码/名称 出现次数 针后其他不适感 持续时间 |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| 01=断针,02=滞针,03=晕针,04=局部血肿,05=局部感染,06=局部脓肿,07=疼痛; 针后其他不适感:08=疲劳,09=心悸,10=头晕,11=头痛,12=失眠,13=其他: 盲法评价(第1次治疗后评价) 针刺治疗 1是 0否 针刺承受性评价(第1次治疗后评价) 针刺不适感评价 无不适 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10 极不适 针刺承受性评价 0接受非常困难 1接受稍困难 2可以接受 3易于接受 4非常易于接受 第3次访视治疗4周后问卷(5-8周) 访视日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 该次访视是否按时? 1是 0否?延迟原因: 表1?? 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 在最近1个月内,您是否有以下症状? 无 在5次中 症状 评分 少于1/5 少于1/2 约1/2 多于1/2 几乎 总是 1、是否经常有排尿不尽感? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2、2次排尿间隔是否经常小于2小时? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3、是否经常有间断性排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4、是否有排尿不能等待现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5、是否有尿线变细现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6、是否需要用力及使劲才能开始排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7、从入睡到早起需要起床排尿几次? 0次 1次 2次 3次 4次 5次 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS总分= 表2??生活质量指数(QoL)评分表 症 状 高兴 满意 大致满意 还可以 不太满意 苦恼 很糟 如果在您今后的生活中始终伴有现在的排尿症状,您认为如何? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 生活质量评分(QoL)?? 表3??针刺安全性评价与针刺承受性评价 针刺安全性评价(每次治疗随时记录)1无 2 有,请继续填下表 症状代码/名称 出现次数 针后其他不适感 持续时间 |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| 01=断针,02=滞针,03=晕针,04=局部血肿,05=局部感染,06=局部脓肿,07=疼痛; 针后其他不适感:08=疲劳,09=心悸,10=头晕,11=头痛,12=失眠,13=其他: 盲法评价(第6次治疗后评价) 针刺治疗 1是 0否 针刺承受性评价(第6次治疗后评价) 针刺不适感评价 无不适 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10 极不适 针刺承受性评价 0接受非常困难 1接受稍困难 2可以接受 3易于接受 4非常易于接受 第4次访视治疗结束1个月后随访问卷(9-12周) 访视日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 该次访视是否按时? 1是 0否?延迟原因: 表1?? 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 在最近1个月内,您是否有以下症状? 无 在5次中 症状 评分 少于1/5 少于1/2 约1/2 多于1/2 几乎 总是 1、是否经常有排尿不尽感? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2、2次排尿间隔是否经常小于2小时? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3、是否经常有间断性排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4、是否有排尿不能等待现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5、是否有尿线变细现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6、是否需要用力及使劲才能开始排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7、从入睡到早起需要起床排尿几次? 0次 1次 2次 3次 4次 5次 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS总分= 表2??生活质量指数(QoL)评分表 症 状 高兴 满意 大致满意 还可以 不太满意 苦恼 很糟 如果在您今后的生活中始终伴有现在的排尿症状,您认为如何? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 生活质量评分(QoL)?? 第5次访视治疗结束2个月后随访问卷(13-16周) 访视日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 该次访视是否按时? 1是 0否?延迟原因: 表1?? 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 在最近1个月内,您是否有以下症状? 无 在5次中 症状 评分 少于1/5 少1/2 约1/2 多于1/2 几乎 总是 1、是否经常有排尿不尽感? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2、2次排尿间隔是否经常小于2小时? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3、是否经常有间断性排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4、是否有排尿不能等待现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5、是否有尿线变细现象? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6、是否需要用力及使劲才能开始排尿? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7、从入睡到早起需要起床排尿几次? 0次 1次 2次 3次 4次 5次 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS总分= 表2??生活质量指数(QoL)评分表 症 状 高兴 满意 大致满意 还可以 不太满意 苦恼 很糟 如果在您今后的生活中始终伴有现在的排尿症状,您认为如何? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 生活质量评分(QoL)?? 合并用药:整个研究期间是否合并应用除了BHP之外的其他西药? 0否,□1是,填下表: 编号 药物名称 适应症 是否因不良事件用药 剂型 单次剂量 剂量单位 给药频率 给药途径 开始日期 研究结束是否持续? 是 否→结束日期 1 □1 2 □1 3 □1 4 □1 5 □1 6 □1 7 □1 8 □1 9 □1 剂型代码CA=胶囊 TB=片剂 GTTS=滴剂 AMP=安瓿 OT=其他 剂型单位代码 ug=微克 mg=毫克 ml=毫升 g=克 OT=其他 给药频率代码 QD=每日1次 BID=每日2次 TID=每日3次 QID=每日4次 QOD=隔日1次 QN=每晚1次 Q8H=每8小时1次 Q12H=每12小时1次 PRN=必要时 OT=其他 给药途径代码 PO=口服 TOP=外用 SC=皮下 IV=静注 IM=肌注 PR=直肠 NG=鼻饲 IT=鞘内 IA=关节内 SL=舌下 INH=吸入 IO=眼内 TD=经皮 OT=其他 不良事件:整个研究期间是否出现不良事件?(安全性评价中罗列过的不适感除外)自上次治疗后,您有何不适的感觉? 0否,1是,填下表: 编号 不良事件描述 研究结束是否持续? 严重程度 与针刺治疗的相关性 对针刺治疗采取的措施 采取其他措施 专归 是否SAE? 是 否→结束日期 否 是→结束日期 1 □0 2 □0 3 □0 4 □0 5 □0 6 □0 7 □0 8 □0 9 □0 不良事件与针刺治疗的相关性 1=肯定有关 2=很可能有关 3=可能有关 4=可能无关 5=肯定无关 对针刺治疗采取的措施 1=不适用 2=无改变 3=减少频次/减少刺激 4=暂停针刺治疗 5=永久停止针刺治疗 采取其他措施 1=无 2=住院或延长住院,填写SAE表 3=合并用药,合并用药处填写 4=其他请描述 AE的专归 1=恢复,无后遗症 2=恢复,有后遗症 3=缓解 4=持续/无变化 5=加重/恶化 6=死亡 7=未知 SAE具体类型 1=导致死亡 2=危及生命 3=导致住院或延长住院 4=导致永久或显著的残疾/功能丧失 5=导致先天畸形 6=其他重要的医学事件 研究完成情况总结 首次治疗日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 末次治疗日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 受试者是否按研究方案完成了4周的研究 1是 0否,中止日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日,并填写以下中止试验原因 中止试验的主要原因是:(选择一个最重要的原因) 1违背试验方案(任何违反方案的行为都由研究者评估后决定其是否严重到 需要退出研究),请具体描述_____________ 2不良事件,编号|__|__|(已填写不良事件表) 3虽然未出现不良事件,但出于安全性考虑,研究者认为终止治疗对受试者 最有益 4缺乏疗效 5患者撤回知情同意书(包括患者自行退出) 6患者失访 7其它的原因:_____________ 治疗次数 第1周 第2周 第3周 第4周 总计 应治疗次数 实际治疗次数 病例报告表(CRF)审核声明 1、确认受试者已签署知情同意书。 2、确认受试者的姓名、通讯地址、电话等填写真实、完整。 3、确认受试者符合试验方案的纳入标准,不符合排除标准。 4、确认受试者所在组别的治疗记录正确。 5、确认研究记录所有项目填写完整,理化检查结果齐全,原始检验报告已粘贴在“化验单粘贴页”上,并已正确填写“理化检查结果报告表”。 6、确认所有不良事件均已填写“不良事件表”。对不良事件以及治疗前正常、治疗后异常,而不能以病情恶化解释的理化检查数据均已复查、随访至正常。 7、确认受试者的退出与失访均已如实填写“脱落原因表”。 8、确认有错误发生时,将错误值划上“—”,在错误处上方书写正确值,修改者签名并加注日期,已说明更改理由,未涂盖任何原始数据。 专职评价者签名:_____________ 签署日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 质控医生签名:_____________ 签署日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 主要研究者声明 本病例报告表上所有记录我均逐页、逐项审核,我确认这些数据填写真实、完整、准确,与原始资料相符,并符合研究方案设计要求。所有的数据记录工作是由我和我委派的人完成的,我们已在研究人员签名表上签字。 主要研究者签名:_____________ 签署日期:20 |__|__|年|__|__|月|__|__|日 检查化验单黏贴处: 1、血常规 2、尿常规 3、肝功能Ⅰ 4、肾功能Ⅰ 5、B超前列腺体积 6、膀胱残余尿 7、尿流率(最大尿流率) 未用电子采集管理系统

Data collection and Management (A standard data collection and management system include a CRF and an electronic data capture:

Case Report Form The version number:VERSION 1.0_20211019 Random encoding : |__|__|__|__| Subject's initials : |__|__|__|__| Name of Doctor (in Block letters): ___ Study time: October 2021 -- October 2024 Instructions for filling in the case report form (Please read the following instructions carefully before completing this form.) 1、This case report form must be filled in by a full-time evaluator and completed by the same person as far as possible;The doctor's signature on the front and end pages should be filled in by the investigator in charge of the case. 2、A large number of data in this CRF are obtained from the statistics, calculation and summary of the original data (subjects' urination diary card, etc.). Please be sure to check carefully and make accurate statistics and calculation to avoid manual statistical errors! 3、The subject enrollment number on the upper right corner of the cover is compiled by the researcher to facilitate monitoring and CRF management. 4、Please complete this form with pen or marker pen, not pencil or ballpoint pen. 5、The qualified candidates shall formally fill in the case report form, and the last data shall be carried forward as the last data for those who have stopped treatment, and the time and reason of withdrawal shall be truthfully recorded. 6、If there is a "□" in the table, please put an "×" in the correct "□". 7、Please fill in the number in the open box, one number in each box, if the number is not enough, please filling 0 in the front or back box. All inspection items must be filled in. Please fill in "ND" if there is no inspection/omission for some reason. Data unknown/not known, please fill in "UK"; If this option is not applicable, enter NA. 8、Method of filling in the name of the subject: The abbreviation of the name of the subject should be filled in four squares, and the first two letters of the name of the subject should be filled in the first two letters of each pinyin; Fill in the first letter and the second letter of the third word pinyin for the three-character name; Fill in the first letter of the four-character name in their pinyin; Fill in the first letter of the first four characters in pinyin. The investigator must complete a subject identity registration form to facilitate identification of subjects during and after the trial. 9、Be sure to fill in accurately and clearly, do not erase or alter at will, correct the mistakes with a horizontal line in the center, and sign the name of the modifier (physician's initials, capital letters) and the modification time, and explain the reason if necessary. Do not mask the original data you fill in, and do not allow erasers, correction fluids, or scratching out the original content. Example: fill in the wrong 2011/07/13/[year, month, day], correction model 2011/07/1314 SJF 2011/07/14 . 10、The international IS08601 date format is yyyymmdd. For example: October 15, 2010 written: 20101015. Use medical terminology when describing history and adverse events. Use the full name of the diagnosis and drug. Do not use abbreviations or abbreviations unless they are listed in the study protocol. 11、Please strictly implement the clinical trial plan, and the projects to be completed at each visit site should be carried out according to the clinical study flow chart, and pay attention to the time window. 12、The combined medication record form and adverse reaction/event record form should be truthfully filled in during the clinical study. If a serious adverse event occurs, a serious adverse event record form must be filled in regardless of whether the event is related to the study treatment or not, along with the usual treatment. Clinical study flowchart Phase Baseline (Weeks 1-4) Treatment time( Weeks 5-8) Follow-up 5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks 8 weeks 16 weeks 32 weeks Treatment 0 3 times 3 times 2 times 2 times International Prostatic Symptom Scale (IPSS) √ √ √ √ √ Quality of Life evaluation (QoL) √ √ √ √ √ Prostate volume(cm3) √ √ Post-void residual PVR(ml) √ √ Maximum flow rate Qmax(ml/s) √ √ Digital Rectal Examination(DRE) √ √ Informed consent √ Evaluation method for the blind √ √ Acupuncture safety √ √ Acupuncture resistance √ √ Emergency medicine Adverse events Note: 1. "√" in this table represents the projects that must be completed by this time node. 2. In case of intermediate shedding, the most recent specialized evaluation data of the subject should be traced back as far as possible, and the phase table should be filled in in time, and the reduction loss rate should be tabled to reduce the data loss rate. 3. After observation and observation, 1 internal observation shall be audited and signed by the person in charge within a week. 4. The supervisor of the project undertaking unit shall regularly inspect and review all RCRF entry and approval forms. First visit (1-4 weeks) Date of visit:20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Note: This date should be the date of randomization after the baseline screening of the subject (the date of enrollment). Other visit times should be based on this date. Date of signing informed consent: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Inclusion Criteria (If "no" is selected for any item, it will not be included in this study) Yes No 1.Meet the diagnostic criteria of BPH. ¨1 ¨0 2.Age range: 50 to 80. ¨1 ¨0 3.Those who voluntarily sign informed consent are required to participate in this study. ¨1 ¨0 Exclusion criteria (" Yes "means no inclusion in this study) Yes No 1.Unable to communicate unobstructed. ¨1 ¨0 2.Associated with urethritis, acute prostatitis, urinary calculi and other diseases. ¨1 ¨0 3.Complicated with neurogenic bladder, bladder neck fibrosis, urethral stricture and other diseases. ¨1 ¨0 4.Patients with neurological diseases or diabetes that affect urination function. ¨1 ¨0 5.Hyperplasia of prostate complicated with malignant wasting diseases such as prostate cancer and tuberculosis. ¨1 ¨0 6.Patients with serious diseases such as liver and kidney insufficiency and other heart and lung diseases and blood diseases. ¨1 ¨0 7.Patients with upper urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis and impaired renal function found by B-ultrasound. ¨1 ¨0 8.Have been using drugs that may affect bladder function or are receiving BPH drugs. ¨1 ¨0 9.B ultrasound or CT found excessive prostatic hyperplasia affecting acupuncture operators. ¨1 ¨0 10.B ultrasound or CT found that residual urine in the bladder was too much, which affected the acupuncture operator. ¨1 ¨0 TCM syndromes Kidney qi depletion Center qi fall Qi stagnation and blood stasis Damp-heat brewing and binding Kidney vacuity and blood stasis Kidney vacuity and damp-heat Damp-heat and blood stasis Dual vacuity of the spleen and kidney Demographic data Gender Men Date of birth |__|__|__|__|year |__|__|month|__|__|day CT serial number National ¨1 The Han nationality ¨2 The Zhuang nationality ¨3 The Zhuang nationality ¨4 The Hui nationality ¨5 The Miao nationality ¨6 The Uygur nationality ¨7 other____ Marital status ¨1 Yes ¨2 No Degree ¨1 Postgraduate and above ¨2 Undergraduate ¨3 College Specialist ¨4 High school/Secondary school/Technical school ¨5 Junior high school ¨6 Primary school ¨7 Illiteracy Occupation ¨1 Worker ¨2 Farmer ¨3 Teacher ¨4 Solider ¨5 Student ¨6 Cadre ¨7 Employee ¨8 Retired ¨9 Freelance ¨10 Other____ Height |__|__|__|.|__|cm Weight |__|__|__|.|__|kg Body mass index(BMI) |__|__|.|__| Distance between the anterior superior iliac spine on both sides |__|__|__|.|__|cm Waist at navel level |__|__|__|.|__|cm Symphysis pubis is horizontally positioned around the buttocks |__|__|__|.|__|cm Formula acupuncture depth |__|__|__|.|__|mm Formula acupuncture Angle |__|__|.|__|Angle Acupuncture depth under CT |__|__|__|.|__|mm Acupuncture Angle under CT |__|__|.|__|Angle Contact Number 1: Contact Number 2: Address: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH)Medical history Course of the disease |__|__|year|__|__|month The degree of BPH ¨1 Mild ¨2 Moderate ¨3 Severe Concomitant disease ¨1No ¨2 Yes, please continue to fill in the form below. Name of co-morbidities The start time The end of time |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month Treatment of BPH Whether or not to receive treatment for BPH: ¨1No ¨2 Yes, please continue to fill in the form below. Treatment ¨1Traditional Chinese medicine treatment ¨2Western medicine treatment ¨3The surgical treatment ¨4Other Last treatment |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day-|__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Drugs in use BPH therapy:___________; Other therapeutic drugs :_____________. Ultrasonic prostate volume and postvoid residual urine volume |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Volume|__|__|__|.|__|ml, post-void residual |__|__|__|ml |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Volume |__|__|__|.|__|ml, post-void residual |__|__|__|ml Determination of maximum flow rate |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day,_________ml/s |__|__|__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day, _________ml/s Efficacy evaluation index 1 2 3 4 5 International Prostate Symptom Scale(IPSS) Symptom sign and examination score Quality of Life score (QoL) Acupuncture tolerance score Questionnaire at baseline during the first visit(Week1-4) Date of visit: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Table 1 International Prostate Symptom Scale (IPSS) Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 1 month? No In the five times Symptom scores Less than 1/5 Less than 1/2 About 1/2 More than half Almost always 1. Do you often feel like urination is not enough? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2.Are two urination intervals often less than 2 hours? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3.Do you often have intermittent urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4.Whether there is a phenomenon of urination cannot wait? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.Is there any narrowing of urinary line? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.Do you need to exert force to start urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. How many times do you need to get up and urinate from falling asleep to getting up early? No Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS Total score= Table 2 Quality of Life(QoL)Scale Symptoms Happy Satisfied Generally satisfied So-so Not satisfied distress Very bad What do you think if you have urination symptoms for the rest of your life? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quality of Life (QoL) Table 4 Symptom signs and auxiliary examination grading scoring standard 0 1 2 3 Score IPSS 0 1-7 8-19 20-35 DRE Normal Ⅰ° Ⅱ° Ⅲ° QoL 0-1 2 3-4 5-6 Prostate volume(cm3) <18 18 ~ 25 26 ~ 45 > 46 PVR(ml) ≤10 11 ~ 60 61 ~ 100 > 100 Qmax(ml/s) > 15 10.1~15 5 ~ 10 < 5 Nocturnal urine frequency (times) 0 ~ 1 2 3 ~ 4 ≥5 Urine line status Normal Urinary fine such as line Urine into line Little drops do not make a thread Small abdominal distension full No Occasionally Sometimes Often Urine waiting No Occasionally Sometimes Often Urine urgency No Can endure Bear with me for a while Can't stand Total score Questionnaire 2 weeks after the second visit(Week5-6) Date of visit: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|year|__|__|day Is the visit on schedule? ¨1Yes ¨0No The reason for the delay: Table 1 International Prostate Symptom Scale (IPSS) Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 1 month? No In the five times Symptom scores Less than 1/5 Less than 1/2 About 1/2 More than half Almost always 1. Do you often feel like urination is not enough? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2.Are two urination intervals often less than 2 hours? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3.Do you often have intermittent urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4.Whether there is a phenomenon of urination cannot wait? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.Is there any narrowing of urinary line? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.Do you need to exert force to start urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. How many times do you need to get up and urinate from falling asleep to getting up early? No Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS Total score= Table 2 Quality of Life(QoL)Scale Symptoms Happy Satisfied Generally satisfied So-so Not satisfied distress Very bad What do you think if you have urination symptoms for the rest of your life? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quality of Life (QoL) Table 3 Acupuncture safety evaluation and acupuncture tolerance evaluation Safety evaluation of acupuncture(Record each treatment at any time)¨1No ¨2 Yes, please continue to fill out this form Symptom code/name occurrences Other discomfort after acupuncture Duration |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| 01= Broken needle, 02= Needle stagnation, 03= needle phobia, 04= Local hematoma, 05= Local infection, 06= Local abscess, 07= Pain. Other discomfort after acupuncture: 08= Fatigue, 09= Heart palpitations, 10= Dizzy, 11= Headache, 12= Insomnia, 13=Other: Evaluation method for the blind (Evaluation after the first treatment) Acupuncture treatment ¨1Yes ¨0No Evaluation of acupuncture tolerance(Evaluation after the first treatment) Evaluation of acupuncture discomfort No discomfort 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10 Very uncomfortable ¨¨ Evaluation of acupuncture tolerance ¨0 very difficult to accept ¨1 Take it a little harder ¨2 Can accept ¨3 Easy to accept ¨4 Very receptive Third visit questionnaire after 4 weeks of treatment(5-8周) Date of visit:20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Is the visit on schedule? ¨1Yes ¨0No?The reason for the delay: Table 1 International Prostate Symptom Scale (IPSS) Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 1 month? No In the five times Symptom scores Less than 1/5 Less than 1/2 About 1/2 More than half Almost always 1. Do you often feel like urination is not enough? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2.Are two urination intervals often less than 2 hours? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3.Do you often have intermittent urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4.Whether there is a phenomenon of urination cannot wait? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.Is there any narrowing of urinary line? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.Do you need to exert force to start urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. How many times do you need to get up and urinate from falling asleep to getting up early? No Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS Total score= Table 2 Quality of Life(QoL)Scale Symptoms Happy Satisfied Generally satisfied So-so Not satisfied distress Very bad What do you think if you have urination symptoms for the rest of your life? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quality of Life (QoL) Table 3 Acupuncture safety evaluation and acupuncture tolerance evaluation Safety evaluation of acupuncture(Record each treatment at any time)¨1No ¨2 Yes, please continue to fill out this form Symptom code/name occurrences Other discomfort after acupuncture Duration |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| 01= Broken needle, 02= Needle stagnation, 03= needle phobia, 04= Local hematoma, 05= Local infection, 06= Local abscess, 07= Pain. Other discomfort after acupuncture: 08= Fatigue, 09= Heart palpitations, 10= Dizzy, 11= Headache, 12= Insomnia, 13=Other: Evaluation method for the blind (Evaluation after the first treatment) Acupuncture treatment ¨1Yes ¨0No Evaluation of acupuncture tolerance(Evaluation after the first treatment) Evaluation of acupuncture discomfort No discomfort 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10 Very uncomfortable ¨¨ Evaluation of acupuncture tolerance ¨0 very difficult to accept ¨1 Take it a little harder ¨2 Can accept ¨3 Easy to accept ¨4 Very receptive Table 4 Symptom signs and auxiliary examination grading scoring standard 0 1 2 3 Score IPSS 0 1-7 8-19 20-35 DRE Normal Ⅰ° Ⅱ° Ⅲ° QoL 0-1 2 3-4 5-6 Prostate volume(cm3) <18 18 ~ 25 26 ~ 45 > 46 PVR(ml) ≤10 11 ~ 60 61 ~ 100 > 100 Qmax(ml/s) > 15 10.1~15 5 ~ 10 < 5 Nocturnal urine frequency (times) 0 ~ 1 2 3 ~ 4 ≥5 Urine line status Normal Urinary fine such as line Urine into line Little drops do not make a thread Small abdominal distension full No Occasionally Sometimes Often Urine waiting No Occasionally Sometimes Often Urine urgency No Can endure Bear with me for a while Can't stand Total score Follow-up questionnaire 2 months after the end of the fourth visit(Week9-16) Date of visit: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Is the visit on schedule? ¨1Yes ¨0No?The reason for the delay: Table 1 International Prostate Symptom Scale (IPSS) Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 1 month? No In the five times Symptom scores Less than 1/5 Less than 1/2 About 1/2 More than half Almost always 1. Do you often feel like urination is not enough? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2.Are two urination intervals often less than 2 hours? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3.Do you often have intermittent urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4.Whether there is a phenomenon of urination cannot wait? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.Is there any narrowing of urinary line? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.Do you need to exert force to start urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. How many times do you need to get up and urinate from falling asleep to getting up early? No Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS Total score= Table 2 Quality of Life(QoL)Scale Symptoms Happy Satisfied Generally satisfied So-so Not satisfied distress Very bad What do you think if you have urination symptoms for the rest of your life? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quality of Life (QoL) Follow-up questionnaire 6 months after the end of the fifth visit(Week 17-32) Date for visit: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Is the visit on schedule? ¨1Yes ¨0No?Reason for delay: Table 1 International Prostate Symptom Scale (IPSS) Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 1 month? No In the five times Symptom scores Less than 1/5 Less than 1/2 About 1/2 More than half Almost always 1. Do you often feel like urination is not enough? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2.Are two urination intervals often less than 2 hours? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3.Do you often have intermittent urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4.Whether there is a phenomenon of urination cannot wait? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.Is there any narrowing of urinary line? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.Do you need to exert force to start urination? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. How many times do you need to get up and urinate from falling asleep to getting up early? No Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 0 1 2 3 4 5 IPSS Total score= Table 2 Quality of Life(QoL)Scale Symptoms Happy Satisfied Generally satisfied So-so Not satisfied distress Very bad What do you think if you have urination symptoms for the rest of your life? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quality of Life (QoL) Drug combination: Were any western drugs other than BHP used during the study period? ¨0No,□1Yes,fill in the table below: Number Drug name Indications Whether medication is used for adverse events Dosage form A single dose Unit dose Dosing frequency Delivery way Start date Does the end of the study last? Yes No→End date 1 □1 2 □1 3 □1 4 □1 5 □1 6 □1 7 □1 8 □1 9 □1 Dosage form code CA=Capsule TB=Tablets GTTS=Drops AMP=Ampoule OT=Other Unit code of dosage form ug=Microgram mg=Milligram ml=Milliliter g= Gram OT=Other Dosing frequency code QD=Once daily BID=Twice daily TID=3 times daily QID=4 times daily QOD=Every other day QN=Once a night Q8H=Every 8 hours Q12H=Every 12 hours PRN=When necessary OT=Other Route of administration code PO=Take orally TOP=Topical SC=Subcutaneous IV=Intravenous IM=Intramuscular PR=Rectal administration NG=Nasal feeding IT=Intrathecal IA=Intra-articular SL=Sublingual INH=Inhalation IO=Intraocular TD=Percutaneous OT=Other Adverse events: Were there any adverse events throughout the study period? (Except for the discomfort listed in the safety evaluation) Have you experienced any discomfort since your last treatment? ¨0No, ¨1Yes, fill in the following form: Number Description of adverse events Does the end of the study last? severity Correlation with acupuncture treatment Measures taken for acupuncture treatment Take other measures outcome Whether or not SAE? Yes No→End date No Yes→End date 1 □0 2 □0 3 □0 4 □0 5 □0 6 □0 7 □0 8 □0 9 □0 Association of adverse events with acupuncture treatment 1=Definitely relevant 2=Probably related 3=May be relevant 4=May not be relevant 5=Definitely irrelevant Measures taken for acupuncture treatment 1=not applicable 2=No change 3=Reduce frequency /Reduces irritation 4=Pause the needle stabbing treatment 5=Stop acupuncture permanently Take other measures 1=No 2=For hospitalization or extended hospitalization, fill out SAE form 3=For combined medication, fill in the area of combined medication 4=Please describe others. The outcome of AE 1=Recovery, no sequelae 2=Recovery, with sequelae 3=Ease 4=Continuous/no change 5=Aggravation/deterioration 6=Death 7=The unknown The specific type of SAE 1=Cause of death 2=Life-threatening 3=Resulting in or prolonged hospitalization 4=Cause permanent or significant disability/loss of function 5=Cause congenital malformations 6=Other important medical events Summary of research completion Date of first treatment: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Date of last treatment: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Whether the subjects completed the 4-week study according to the study protocol ¨1Yes ¨0No, end date:20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day, and fill in the following reasons for the suspension of the test. The main reasons for the suspension of the trial are: (choose one of the most important reasons) ¨1Breach of protocol (any breach of protocol will be assessed by the investigator to determine whether it is serious enough to withdraw from the study), please describe in detail_____________ ¨2Adverse events, number|__|__|(Adverse event form has been filled out.) ¨3Although there were no adverse events, discontinuation of treatment was considered in the subjects' best interest due to safety concerns. ¨4Lack of efficacy ¨5Withdrawal of informed consent by patients (including withdrawal by patients themselves) ¨6Patients were lost to follow-up ¨7Other reasons: _____________ Number of treatments Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total Number of times should be treated Actual number of treatments Case Report Form (CRF) review Statement 1、Confirm that the subject has signed the informed consent. 2、Confirm that the subject's name, mailing address and telephone number are true and complete. 3、Confirm that subjects meet the protocol inclusion criteria and do not meet the exclusion criteria. 4、Verify that treatment records are correct for subjects' group. 5、Confirm that all items in the study record are completely filled in, physical and chemical inspection results are complete, the original inspection report has been pasted on the "Test Sheet Paste page", and the "Report Form of Physical and chemical Inspection Results" has been correctly filled in. 6、Verify that all adverse events have been completed in the Adverse Event Form. Adverse events and physical and chemical examination data that were normal before and after treatment but could not be explained by deterioration of the disease were reviewed and followed up to normal 7、Confirm that subjects' withdrawal and loss of follow-up have been truthfully filled in the "Disengagement reason Form". 8、When it is confirmed that there is an error, mark the error value with “—”, write the correct value above the error, the modifier signs and notes the date, the reason for the change has been explained, and no original data has been covered. Signature of professional evaluator: _____________ Date of signing: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Quality control doctor's signature: _____________ Date of signing: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Principal investigator statement I reviewed all the records in this case report form page by page and item by item. I confirmed that these data were true, complete and accurate, consistent with the original data and in line with the design requirements of the study protocol. All the data recording work was done by me and my designee and we signed the researcher signature form. Principal investigator signature: _____________ Date of signing: 20 |__|__|year|__|__|month|__|__|day Check the adhesion of the test sheet: 1.Blood routine examination 2.Urine-RT. 3.Liver function Ⅰ. 4.Renal function Ⅰ. 5.B ultrasound prostate volume. 6.Bladder residual urine. 7.Urinary flow rate(Qmax).


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