Target disease:
lumbar and dorsal fasciitis
Target disease code:
Study type:
Interventional study
Study design:
randomized controlled trial(parallel group design)
Study phase:
New Treatment Measure Clinical Study
Objectives of Study:
This study aims to observe the changes in the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain and pressure pain threshold in patients with lumbar myofasciitis before and after intervention with two different acupuncture techniques, namely the trigger - point acupuncture group and the conventional acupuncture group, and to evaluate the therapeutic effects. Meanwhile, the number of trigger points, the changes in the size of trigger points before and after acupuncture evaluated by ultrasound, and the average temperature value of trigger points will be observed. This is to explore the possible intervention effects of trigger - point acupuncture on analgesia and myofascia - muscle and its surrounding blood vessels, and to clarify the possible mechanisms of analgesia by trigger - point acupuncture.
1. 试验组
a. 针灸针:0.42×40mm 的一次性针灸针
b. 操作前准备:患者取俯卧位并用手指指认腰背部疼痛部位,医生通过触诊校对激痛点位置,然后有针对性地寻找压痛结节点,用记号笔标记,充分暴露操作
c. 操作方法:操作者固定其激痛点,使用腕部的力量将针快速穿过表皮,后尝试顺着肌纤维方向针刺,在超声引导下,用针找到激痛点,快速在激痛点上反复刺激,刺激时可观察到局部抽搐反应,直至肌肉跳动停止后,拔针。
d. 疗程:治疗 2 次/周,共治疗 2 周。
2. 对照组
a. 针灸针:0.25×40mm 的一次性针灸针。
b. 操作:患者取俯卧位,选取肾俞、委中、大肠俞、腰阳关穴位,得气后留针 30min。
c. 疗程:治疗 2 次/周,共治疗 2 周。
Description for medicine or protocol of treatment in detail:
1.Experimental Group
Trigger - Point Acupuncture Group
a. Acupuncture needles: Disposable acupuncture needles with a size of 0.42×40mm.
b. Preparation before operation: The patient takes a prone position and indicates the painful area on the back with fingers. The doctor checks the location of the trigger points through palpation then purposefully looks for the tender nodular points marks them with a marker pen. After fully exposing the operation area routine disinfection is carried out.
c. Operation method: The operator fixes the trigger point quickly inserts the needle through the epidermis using the strength of the wrist. Then try to insert the needle along the direction of muscle fibers. Under the guidance of ultrasound find the trigger point with the needle and rapidly and repeatedly stimulate the trigger point. During the stimulation a local twitch response can be observed. After the muscle twitching stops withdraw the needle.
d. Treatment course: Treat 2 times a week for a total of 2 weeks.
2.Control Group
Conventional Acupuncture Group
a. Acupuncture needles: Disposable acupuncture needles with a size of 0.25×40mm.
b. Operation: The patient takes a prone position. Select acupoints such as Shenshu (BL23) Weizhong (BL40) Dachangshu (BL25) and Yaoyangguan (GV3). After obtaining qi retain the needles for 30 minutes.
c. Treatment course: Treat 2 times a week for a total of 2 weeks.
(5)辅助检查:X 线检查无阳性体征,排除骨折、结核等疾病;
(6)年龄为 18~65 岁;
(7)近 1 月未口服治疗或者安慰作用的药物,未接受针刺或封闭、手术治疗;
Inclusion criteria
(1) History of acute or chronic low back pain, history of strain, or exposure to wind - cold - dampness.
(2) Diffuse pain in the low back, cool skin, or a feeling of soreness, numbness, muscle spasm, and limited mobility.
(3) The pain is characterized by aggravation in the morning, with changes in climate, or after getting cold. The pain eases with movement and warmth. Prolonged inactivity or excessive activity can both trigger the pain. The condition often recurs and persists.
(4) During examination, obvious trigger points or spastic tender nodules in the muscles can be felt locally. Pressing or squeezing the affected muscles forcefully can cause pain and a radiating sensation, and can also trigger pain and muscle tension in an area slightly farther away from the muscle.
(5) Auxiliary examinations: No positive signs are found in X - ray examinations, ruling out diseases such as fractures and tuberculosis.
(6) Age ranges from 18 to 65 years old.
(7) No oral medications with therapeutic or placebo effects have been taken in the past month, and no acupuncture, nerve - block, or surgical treatments have been received.
(8) The patient voluntarily signs the informed consent form.
(4)有针灸禁忌证,如皮肤感染、溃疡、瘢痕,或肿瘤,以及 1 年内有胸腰椎骨折及手术史者;
Exclusion criteria:
(1) Pregnant women, lactating women, patients with mental illness, or those planning to become pregnant.
(2) Patients with severe primary diseases involving the cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular system, liver, kidneys, etc.
(3) Patients with hematological diseases such as coagulation disorders, as well as those with diseases like diabetes, severe lumbar disc herniation, fractures, bone tuberculosis, etc.
(4) Patients with contraindications to acupuncture, such as skin infections, ulcers, scars, or tumors, and those with a history of thoracolumbar fractures or surgeries within one year.
(5) Those who have participated in other drug clinical trials recently.
Study execute time:
Recruiting time: