News Details
ANNOUNCEMENT         2022-06-02



InternationalTraditional Medicine Clinical Trial Registry (ITMCTR) is established as a primaryclinical trial registry recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and isunder the leadership of the China Center For Evidence Based Traditional ChineseMedicine (CCEBTCM). It will be the first cross-regional clinical trial registry target at certainmedical field, that is traditional medicine, in the WHO ICTRP registry network.


Currently, theITMCTR platform is at the transitional stage. All previous and new registrationprojects will obtain three trial IDs, including ITMCTR trial ID, ChineseClinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR) trial ID, and Chinese Medicine Clinical TrialRegistry trial ID:

l  ITMCTR trial ID:ITMCTRxxxxxxxxxx

l  ChiCTR trial ID:ChiCTRxxxxxxxxxx

l  Chinese MedicineClinical Trial Registry trial ID: ChiMCTRxxxxxxxxxx


All above clinicaltrial registration IDs are recognized by the WHO ICTRP and can be referred toin future papers, projects, etc.





June 2nd, 2022

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