Exclusion criteria:
1.Children with chronic cough caused by gastroesophageal reflux cough, psychogenic cough, drug-induced cough, otogenic cough, congenital respiratory tract diseases, foreign body inhalation, respiratory tract infections caused by specific pathogens, protracted bronchitis, etc. as well as those with simple upper airway cough syndrome.
2.Those who have used asthma control therapies (such as inhaled glucocorticoids, leukotriene modifiers, long-acting β2-receptor agonists, slow-release theophylline, systemic glucocorticoids, etc.) or relieving therapies (such as systemic rapid-acting β2-receptor agonists, theophylline, etc.) before enrollment, as well as those who have used Traditional Chinese Medicines with cough-relieving phlegm-resolving and anti-asthma effects (including decoctions, decoction pieces, formulated granules and Chinese patent medicines), and are judged by the researchers to seriously affect the evaluation of baseline cough severity.
3.Children with severe malnutrition, rickets and severe primary diseases such as heart, brain, liver, kidney, hematopoietic system, spirit and nervous system.
4.Those who are allergic to the experimental drugs and their components.
5.Children who have participated in other clinical trials within one month.
6.Those considered by the researchers as not suitable for participating in this clinical trial.