Exclusion criteria:
Participants are excluded from the study if any of the following criteria apply:
1) Other forms of vitiligo (eg, segmental) or other differential diagnosis of vitiligo or other skin depigmentation disorders (eg, piebaldism, pityriasis alba, leprosy, postinflammatory hypopigmentation, progressive macule hypomelanosis, nevus anemicus, chemical leukoderma, and tinea versicolor).
2) Participants who have used depigmentation treatments for past treatment of vitiligo or other pigmented areas.
3) Participants with concurrent conditions and history of other diseases:
a. Any other skin disease that, in the opinion of the investigator, would interfere with the study medication application or study assessments.
b. Active acute bacterial, fungal, or viral skin infection (eg, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chicken pox) within 1 week before baseline.
c. Conditions at baseline that would interfere with evaluation of vitiligo.
d. Any serious illness or medical, physical, or psychiatric condition(s) that, in the investigator's opinion, would interfere with full participation in the study, including administration of study drug and attending required study visits; pose a significant risk to the participant; or interfere with interpretation of study data.
4) Participants who had previously used Qibai granules or similar drugs within 3 months.
5) Participants using any of the following treatments within the indicated washout period before baseline:
a. 1 week: Topical drugs when used on the vitiligo areas, for example, corticosteroids, calcineurin, and phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitors or retinoids.
b. 4 weeks:
− Melanocyte-stimulating agents (eg, afamelanotide).
− Immunomodulating systemic medications (eg, corticosteroids, methotrexate, cyclosporine).
− Any other systemic therapies that could increase the skin sensitivity to UV/visible light or impact skin pigmentation, for example, tetracyclines, metoxypsoralens.
− Received live vaccine. Note: Live vaccine is prohibited during the course of the study and within 4 weeks after the EOT visit.
c. 8 weeks: Laser or any kind of phototherapy, including tanning bed or intentional UV exposure.
d. 5 half-lives or 12 weeks, whichever is longer: Biologic agents, investigational or experimental therapy or procedures for vitiligo.
6) Participants with clinically significant abnormal laboratory values at screening:
ALT or AST>1.0×ULN;
7) Participants with a history of hemorrhagic disorders.
8) Participants who are being treated with other herbs or antithrombotic drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
9) Body mass index < 17 or > 40 kg/m2.
10) Pregnant or lactating participants, or those considering pregnancy during the period of their study participation.
11) Participants who, in the opinion of the investigator, are unable or unlikely to comply with the administration schedule and study evaluations.
12) Trial researchers or their family members.
13) Participants who are participating in other clinical trials.